GSE, the general contractor in commercial real estate

The commercial real estate specialist with more than 40 years’ experience, GSE builds everything from logistics platforms and factories to shopping centres, office buildings and cinemas. We support your construction and renovation projects from beginning to completion.

From the search for land to the building’s handover, GSE is your single point of contact for your project’s management – with strong commitments on price, quality and deadlines.

Relying on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D models, we customise our buildings to the precise needs of our clients in the logistics, industrial, retail and services sectors.

Our company brochure GSE news

Key figures for 2023

GSE has 611 employees in Europe and Asia, including 344 engineers.
We carry out some 60 projects a year. GSE is recruiting: join us!

47 years of experience

611 employees

20 million m² of commercial
real estate built

€1023 M revenues

15 locations
in France

20 nationalities

83% of customers are satisfied

7 settlements
in Europe

78% certified projects

27 years of presence
in China

63 projects per year

344 engineers